The Shea tree, also known as the tree of youth, grows in the savannas of West Africa. Its walnut-like fruits, when processed, yield an oil rich in vitamin E, provitamin A and allantoin. Shea butter has proven regenerative properties and cell rejuvenating effects. This is why it has become one of the base ingredients of STYX's most popular products.
It is known that peoples who use shea butter as a cosmetic do not suffer from skin diseases. The texture of Shea body cream is gentle, elegant and has a wonderful vanilla-ylang scent.
Body cream with Shea butter increases the moisture and elasticity of the skin, stimulates regeneration, healing of wounds, scratches, bruises, removing skin blemishes (scars and stretch marks). It prevents the development of keratoses - roughening of the epidermis and is one of the popular pedicure remedies. It activates the elastic-collagen network, providing a strong rejuvenating effect, improves turgor, removes skin laxity, dryness and irritation.
It is effective in climatic dermatitis (itching, burning, scaling, redness). When reducing or increasing weight prevents the appearance of a number of cosmetic skin defects: stretch marks, laxity. Dampens photodermatitis, protecting cells from damage by UV rays.